Fig Tree Project
Fig Tree is located 85km west-north-west of Newman and directly 5km north of BHP’s Mining Area C and is comprised of exploration licence application 47/4493. During July 2019 geological mapping was completed over parts of the Fig Tree Project. Mapping was completed at a 1:100,000 scale.
In 2011 and 2012, Atlas Iron conducted rock chip sampling on the current project area. All samples on the current tenement returned significant results for Iron at surface. Samples were collected from bedded BIF and rubbly goethitic and lateritic CID materials. Samples were sent to Ultratrace in Perth for iron and multielement determination.
- ARK01876: 60.55% Fe, 4.39% SiO2, 5.17% Al2O3, 0.101% P, 4.06% LOI
- ARK01879: 59.02% Fe, 4.48% SiO2, 4.16% Al2O3, 0.053% P, 6.45% LOI
- ARK01877: 57.82% Fe, 2.4% SiO2, 4.12% Al2O3, 0.048% P, 6.55% LOI
- ARK01880: 55.46% Fe, 4.98% SiO2, 3.55% Al2O3, 0.221% P, 11.25% LOI
- ARK01881: 50.15% Fe, 11.06% SiO2, 7.75% Al2O3, 0.044% P, 8.6% LOI
A geological mapping and rock chip sampling program is proposed to be completed in order to define the extent, potential thickness and grade of mineralisation within the tenure.