Mt Pyrton Project

The Mt Pyrton Project is located around 145Km south-east from Karratha, 80Km north of Tom Price, and 135Km north of Paraburdoo and is comprised of exploration licence application 47/4236. CRA Exploration conducted drilling on the current tenement in 1991. The drilling was to target inferred paleochannels. RC hammers were used for the programme and sampled at 2m intervals. Samples were sent to SGS Australia in Perth for standard iron ore analysis for: Fe, SiO2, P, Al2O3, LOI, MnO, TiO2, CaO, MgO and S. Significant results were found on the current project area.

  • 91FV030: 18m @ 53.2% Fe, 0.044% P, 6.4% SiO2, 7.89% Al2O3
  • 91FV033: 4m @ 52.8% Fe, 0.118 % P, 11.7% SiO2, 1.05% Al2O3

Figure 1:  Mt Pyrton drill collar locations

Hamersley Iron Pty Ltd conducted rock chip sampling on the current project area from 1994. A total of 12 rock chip samples were taken, however, only one of these is located on the current project area. The main target of the sampling was to identify high grade canga which may be associated with a larger detrital accumulation under cover. Significant result was returned from the one rock chip sample on the tenure.

  • ACX902: 64.1% Fe, 0.086% P

The Mt Pyrton Project abuts Rio Tinto’s Caliwingina CID deposit to the west. In 2010 Rio Tinto updated the Caliwingina Inferred Mineral Resource to 1,380Mt @ 56.8% Fe of CID mineralisation and 160Mt @ 61.1Mt of DID mineralisation. It is postulated that the headwaters of this CID system encroach onto the Mt Pyrton project. A geological mapping and rock chip sampling program is proposed to be completed in order to define the extent, potential thickness and grade of canga mineralisation within the tenure.

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